Cathy Strine
Jun 23, 2024


I had one. Old high school flame who stole my virginity then and charmed me into stealing my virtue about five years later. He was married and I knew it, especially when he brought his two year old son over to meet "Aunt Cathy." Or when he'd pick me up in the middle of the night to keep him company while he plowed snow from driveways of all the people we knew in that small town.

I was so ashamed of myself but seemingly unable to stop seeing him. Until the day his wife called me at work and asked me to. That did it.

Recently I read his obituary in that same small town online newspaper. Sigh. Life, right?



Cathy Strine

In our 60's, we sold everything, flew to Central America and restarted life in Roatán, Honduras. I'll tell you all about it right here.